2nd Grade » More Fun and Creative Ways to Practice Spelling New Words!

More Fun and Creative Ways to Practice Spelling New Words!


Use all spelling words in 10 statement sentences. Underline each spelling word.



Use all spelling words in 10 question sentences.  Underline each spelling word.


Friendly Letter

Use all spelling words in a letter to a friend. Use a friendly letter format (date, greeting, body, closing, signature). Highlight each spelling word.   

Define it!

Write the definition of all spelling words using a dictionary.  You can find dictionaries online if you do not have one at home.


Write an alliteration sentence for each spelling word.        (Example: Mary will make a model of a miniature mountain.)  Underline each spelling word. 

Creative Writing

Write a creative story using all spelling words.  Highlight each spelling word.

Poetry Corner

Use all spelling words in a poem.  Highlight each spelling word.


Persuade Me!

Use all spelling words in a story that tries to persuade someone to buy something.  Underline each spelling word.

Persuade Me Again!

Use all spelling words in a story that tries to persuade someone to go somewhere.  Underline each spelling word.