2nd Grade » Fun Ways to Learn to Spell!

Fun Ways to Learn to Spell!

Red Hot Vowels


Write15 words three times. Use a dark color for the consonants and red for the vowels.


Right, Left, and

No Peeking!

Write each spelling word with your right hand, then with your left hand, and last with your eyes closed.  No peeking!

Mountain Words


Write the 15 spelling words using this format:





Rainbow Spelling

Write15 words three times each using several colors.


Synonyms and Antonyms 

Write the 15 words, then write a synonym (same meaning) and an antonym (opposite meaning).

Alphabetical Order and Reverse!

Write the 15 words in order for A to Z.  The write the words in order from Z to A. 


Write all 15 words in 10 statement sentences.  Underline the spelling words.


Write all 15 words in 10 question sentences. Underline the spelling words.

Poetry Corner

Make a poem using all 15 words.  Highlight the spelling words.