Immunization Requirements

Immunization Information



State law requires children to be immunized against certain vaccine-preventable diseases to attend school in Texas.  Getting your child vaccinated protects your child's health and that of the community. 


Students cannot attend school without the appropriate documentation for the required vaccines or a valid exemption. (Texas Administrative Code §97.63)


If you need help in getting your child immunized, Dallas County Health and Human Services have several Immunization Clinics located in the Dallas area.  This link will provide you with locations and hours of operation.  Dallas County Health and Human Services Immunization Clinics


Immunization Requirements for Students K-12

• Immunization Requirements for Pre K Students.


Exemption Information – School Immunizations


The student must present an original, signed, and notarized affidavit provided by the State of Texas.


 Please note: Texas law requires that all immunization records show month, day and year of the vaccine administered. All records must be signed by a physician or health care practitioner licensed to practice in the United States.


Texas Education Code 38.0025 requires every public school district to provide parents with information about bacterial meningitis. The following is provided for your information only and does not indicate an outbreak in our area.