Kindergarten Round Up
Immunization Requirements
State law mandates immunizations must be up to date to attend school.
Required Immunizations can be found at:
Immunization Requirements for Students K-12
Immunization Requirements for Pre K Students.
Exemption Information – School Immunizations
The student must present an original, signed, and notarized affidavit provided by the State of Texas.
Please note: Texas law requires that all immunization records show month, day and year of the vaccine administered. All records must be signed by a physician or health care practitioner licensed to practice in the United States.
If your child is going to be taking medication at school:
Asthma/Life Threatening Allergies/Seizures
Medication Forms can be found in the clinic or on the Bradfield Website at
*Remember to bring an extra pair of clothes to keep in the locker, in case of spills or accidents.