Special Programs » Bridging Information

Bridging Information

Adjusting to new classrooms, teachers and campuses are frequent and especially difficult for children with special needs or learning differences. To help ensure the smooth transition for students in HPISD, the bridging processes take place before school starts. 
Drawing of bridge

Bradfield Bridging Information

Who participates in Bridging? Not every Bridging activity is appropriate or necessary for every student. Some teachers, families or students participate in only some of the listed activities.

Possibility of change…Please remember that new students may enroll in the district, transfer to our school, or be placed in special education at any time. This may cause a change in Special Education Teacher, General Education Teacher or other arrangements.  While we cannot always anticipate these changes, we will make every effort to provide the environment that is best suited for your child and their success! 

What can you do to help ensure a smooth transition for your child?

  • Communicate with your child’s Special Education Teacher and General Education Teacher about what is working for your child.  be sure to include things that are positive and motivating to your child.
  • Communicate with your child’s Special Education Teacher and General Education Teacher about what your child finds challenging for example types of situations, assignments or interactions.
  • Contact your child’s service providers when you have questions specific to their areas of expertise (Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist, etc.).
  • If concerns arise about classwork, homework, behavior, etc., don’t hesitate to contact your child’s Special Education Teacher. 

Sometimes conveying all of this information before the first day of school can be difficult with tight schedules.  Try writing a summary and emailing or handing it to your child’s new teacher.  You can follow up with the teacher through scheduling a teacher conference after school has begun. Create a summary containing specific information about your child for their new teachers and service providers.  

Support your child at home by providing a consistent routine for meals, sleep, and homework.

Examples of the information that is shared with “receiving” General Education Teachers before school begins:

*        Strategies that work in the classroom 
*        All About Me 
*        ARD documents including the schedule of services, goals, accommodations, etc.
*        Informal assessments/results
*        Work samples