3rd Grade
Third Grade Curriculum
- Reinforcing learned library behavior from kindergarten through second grade: quiet voices, proper shelf marker usage, walking at all times in the library, reading quietly at the tables, waiting patiently in line at the circulation desk.
- Participating in state reading initiative the Texas Bluebonnet Award competition: each year 20 nominees are selected to be read throughout the state of Texas and voted on by students in grades 3-6.
- Understanding that the fiction section of the media center is arranged in alphabetical order.
- Understanding that the nonfiction section of the media center is arranged by numerical order.
- Understanding how to locate a title in the biography section of the library.
- Reinforce how to use the OPAC taught in second grade.
- Reinforce expectations when using technology equipment for instructional purposes.
- Using various databases to answer questions and how to access these databases from home.
- Beginner research skills: how to use an almanac and atlas in both print and electronic media.
- Listening to fluent readers for enjoyment.
- Locating titles for informational needs and classroom projects.
- Learning about different authors' and illustrators' styles.